Chemical cleaning serves a great purpose. Not only does it optimize air conditioning performance, it could also potentially lead to savings in your electric bill. And of course, since both improve the longevity of your air conditioning unit, you ensure that it lasts for years.

Chemical Overhaul Cleaning Promotion Package

Contract Customers

  1. Special Discount Chemical Overhaul Cleaning Process @ $100 For Two Fan Coil Units And Above. Usual ($120/-) - 9,000 to 12,000 BTU Wall Mounted Unit
  2. More Discount On Spare Parts Replacement

Non-Contract Customers

  1. Chemical Overhaul Cleaning Process per unit fan coil @ ($120/-) - 9,000 to 12,000 BTU Wall Mounted Unit
  2. For 1st & 2nd fan coil Chemical Overhaul Cleaning Process - if system needs additional charge of refrigerant gas $30
  3. 3 fan coils and above gas will be FREE OF CHARGE (FOC) - refer to same compressor with complete system 3/4

Detailed Process

  • Dismantle the whole air-con unit
  • Dismantle the unit into parts
  • Washing all the parts
  • Clear the drainage pipe with specialized equipment before installation
  • Change in refrigerant gas to appropriate level
  • Make a detailed inspection for any defects in system

CALL US TODAY AT 6747 1823

For IMMEDIATE ATTENTION and FREE INSPECTION to help with your residential, commercial & industrial air-con servicing, maintenance, installation and repair